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Creating the right compensation plan for your team can impact the health of your organization.

A plan that rewards the wrong behaviors or feels unattainable can have negative results, while a well-designed plan can keep your team motivated and engaged. A well-executed plan can also bring financial benefit to your organization.

But what’s the best way to craft such a plan? Does compensation always equate to dollars? In this webinar, Doug Chung explores the following:

  • Types and frequency of goals
  • Intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation
  • Multiple incentive components
  • Management levers to influence behavior
  • Designing a compensation plan

Doug Chung

Instructor, Driving Sales Success: Strategy and Management

Doug J. Chung is a faculty member of the McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin. Doug J. Chung teaches Sales Management & Strategy in the second year MBA Elective Curriculum. Previously, he was on the faculty at Harvard University for ten years where he taught Sales Strategy, B2B Marketing, and Marketing Strategy in the MBA and Executive Education programs.
Professor Chung focuses his research on business/sales strategy, sales force management and incentive compensation. He has worked with firms worldwide to develop effective employee incentive compensation systems and his work has been published in Marketing Science, Management Science, Journal of Marketing Research, and the Harvard Business Review. He has received many academic honors and was selected as a 2017 MSI Young Scholar and 2023 MSI Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute.